A welcome to the website to Masked Superstar fans !!!!!

To my Japanese fans,

I want to welcome you to the my official Japanese website. I want to thank you for your loyal support over the years. I have only fond and pleasant memories of my wrestling in Japan. Over the years I was fortunate to see many places of your beautiful homeland. I was able to meet and make many friends. I look forward to the day I am able to return to Japan and renew those friendships. I am always impressed at the wresting knowledge that the Japanese fans have. You have been truly able to see the worlds best wrestlers over the years and I feel honored to be remembered as one of the top in your eyes. I always tried to do my best effort for the wrestling fans and I appreciate their support. I was not always loved but I feel I was respected for my ability and fighting spirit. I look forward to the day we call sit down and talk over old times.

All the best, Masked Superstar
Message for Japanese fans From Masked Superstar
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